设置Project gopath
Preference -> GO -> GOPATH -> Project GOPATH 可以为单独的Project设置自己的Gopath。
- 列出重构选项 control + T
- 列出快速修复选项 option + return
- 上移本行 shift + option + up
- 上移本语句 shift + command + up
- 移到行首 fn + left
- 移到行尾 fn + right
- 移到首行 fn + up
- 移到末行 fn + down
- 移动到单词 option + left/right
- 字符选择 shift + right/left
- 多行选择 shift + up/down
- 单词选择 shift + option + right/left
- 块选择 option + up/down
- 帮助 shift + enter + A
Tools -> Terminal -> Application setting 找到自己的gitbash 安装目录,选择之。
Press Ctrl-U to delete everything before the cursor. The deleted command will be stored into a buffer. Press Ctrl-Y to paste the deleted command.
(Optional: Press End or Ctrl-E to jump to the end of the input first.)
Alternatively, press Ctrl-C to abort what you're typing.